备考2024届高考英语2020年广东高考英语听说考试D(含听力原文及视频) 您所在的位置:网站首页 高考英语听说考试技巧 课件 备考2024届高考英语2020年广东高考英语听说考试D(含听力原文及视频)


2024-07-07 11:40| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2020年广东省高考英语听说考试真题DReading aloud (模仿朗读)原文The oceans cover 70% of the surface of our planet and yet they are still the least explored. Hidden beneath the waves, there are creatures, beyond our imagination. From creating the weather to producing oxygen, the seas keep our world healthy. With revolutionary technology, we can enter new worlds and shine the light on behaviors in ways that were impossible just a generation ago. We’ve also recognized an uncomfortable fact. They’re changing at a faster rate than ever before in human history. In the Arctic, here in the past30 years, the ice in summer has been reduced by 40%.Part BRole Play (角色扮演)情景介绍角色:你是Tom。任务:(1)与同学Mary谈论大学开放日的话题;(2)根据谈话内容回答另一同学的提问。视频对话M: Hi, Mary. You look happy.W: Yeah. I got the highest score in my biology test.M: Congratulations! How come you are so good at it W: Hard working, I think. I've been working really hard because I need to be good at biology if I want to go to my dream college.M: Dream college Which one W: The medicine university in our city. I always want to be a doctor, you know.M: I see. It's a good university. Have you ever been there W: You bet. Last month, I went there on its open day and fell in love with it.M: The open day at the university Sounds exciting!W: Sure. It was fun and an eye-opening experience.三问1:你参观了这所大学的很多地方吗 翻译:Did you visit many places in the university 电脑回答:Yes. I visited the laboratories,the professors' offices and the university library. The laboratories are all bigger than our classrooms. There are many instruments that I don't know the names of. The library is quite big. The librarian told me that it covers about 5, 000 square meters and it has 5millionbooks in it.2:除了看书,学生们在图书馆还能做什么 翻译:What else can students do except reading books 电脑回答:Lots of things to do. Students and teachers often meet for research clubs and open lectures. All college students love these activities. They especially love to stay in the Internet café in the southern corner of the library, because they can enjoy coffee while working on their computers.3:你在开放日参观的感觉如何 翻译:How did you feel about the visit on the open day 电脑回答:Pretty good. The best part is that I went to meet some professors in their offices. I have thought they would be very serious and have no sense of humor. Actually, they were so nice and patient. I asked them a lot of questions and they answered all of them.五答1提问:How was Mary’s biology test 考生回答:She got the highest score in her biology test.2提问:What does Mary want to be 考生回答:A doctor./ She wants to be adoctor.3提问:What did the librarian tell Mary 考生回答:The library covers about 5,000square meters and has 5 million books.4提问:Why do students love to stay in the Internet cafe 考生回答:Because they can enjoy coffee while working on their computers.5提问:What did Mary think of the professors she met on the open day 考生回答:They were so nice and patient.Part CRetelling (故事复述)梗概:Tom急中生智,同时完成了收拾行李和课堂演讲关键词:busy(忙碌的) pack(收拾行李) speech(演讲) showed(展示) at one time(同时)视频原文Two tasks at one timeTom is a student of a boarding school. He goes home by school bus every Friday afternoon. He usually gets his bag packed before Friday, as the school bus leaves soon after the Friday afternoon class. But last week, he was too busy to do so. When Tom was about to pack before the class started, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't prepared a How To Do Something speech for the afternoon class. Little time was left for him to do the packing and prepare the speech. Then he thought of a way to finish both tasks at the same time. He quickly threw everything he needed into his bag and took it to the lass. When it was his turn to give the speech, Tom carried his bag to the front of the class He put it on the table and let the whole class see what a mess it was in the bag. Then Tom said this was not a way to pack a bag. In a lively manner, Tom showed his classmates how to pack clothing and books neatly. When his speech was finished, his bag was well packed. He successfully completed two tasks at one time.








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